Overview, Images
Sarah Rudledge, Kicking the bucket, Day 74, 2020, Video still. Courtesy the artist.

Solo Residency: Kicking the Bucket

Sarah Rudledge

23 Sep–10 Oct 2020

Kicking the Bucket is a daily ritual of kicking and repairing a plastic bucket that began in my backyard during the early stages of COVID-19 lockdowns. Initially based on feelings of hopelessness, the work explores tactics for a repeated movement; a heartfelt kick followed by a gentle repair, to sustain some enthusiasm and care for life during this time.

By mediating this arguable pointless gesture through text, sound and video an approximate, possibly unreliable, process of archiving the day’s action is attempted.

Offsite, Residency, Exhibition, Publication

With the gallery spaces closed for a much of 2020, Blindside initiated a series of on- and off-site solo residency projects. Artists included Anna Dunnill, MJ Flamiano, Jessie Gall, Simone Nelson, Mira Oosterweghel, Amaara Raheem, Ella Sowinska, Ivey Wawn, Benjamin Woods, Elke Varga, Yusi Zang.

"Kicking the Bucket is a daily ritual of kicking and repairing a plastic bucket that began in my backyard during the early stages of COVID-19 lockdowns."

This program takes place on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We recognise that sovereignty was never ceded - this land is stolen land. We pay respects to Wurundjeri Elders, past, present and emerging, to the Elders from other communities and to any other Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders who might encounter or participate in the program.

Sarah Rudledge, Kicking the bucket, Day 74, 2020, Video still. Courtesy the artist.