To The Left And Back Some: Ten Years of Blindside
To the left and back some is a 91pp full colour publication that encapsulates Blindside’s history and role within the Melbourne and wider ARI community.
Produced in 2014, designed by Gracia Haby & Louise Jennison and edited by Verity Hayward & Raymonda Rajkowski, this publication pays tribute to each and every artist, writer, curator and volunteer member that has contributed to the space in the decade since Blindside started in 2004.
With texts by Claire Anna Watson, Dan Rule, Renai Grace, Robert Heather, Verity Hayward, Raymonda Rajkowski, Drew Pettifer, Blaine Cooper, Andrew Tetzlaff, Shae Nagorcka, Xanthe Dobbie, Jessica Borrelle.
To purchase a hard copy for $10.00 AUD please contact
Stock is limited.

Publication Assistance | Martina Copley, Kali Michailidis, Felicity Strong, Andrew Tetzlaff + Claire Anna Watson
Printing | Impact Digital
ISBN 978-0-9803074-2-9
To the left and back some is a 91pp full colour publication that encapsulates Blindside’s history and role within the Melbourne and wider ARI community.